Video Therapy / Telehealth - Michigan, Colorado, Psypact
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Crescent Roots
Therapists of Crescent Roots
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Meet The Team
Where We Are
Novi, Michigan - Office Base (Currently Video Therapy Only)
Michigan Statewide - Video Therapy
Colorado Statewide - Video Therapy
We are Psypact approved! Individuals in the following states can also work with us via Video Therapy - Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia
Who We Are
What is common ground between all clinicians at Crescent Roots is the providing of safe space to talk in confidence, soothing environment to increase alleviation of symptoms, sophisticated techniques informed by modern research that encourage the deeper wisdom and purpose of each client to emerge, and seasoned education on psychology that is mature, street-wise, and global.
Each therapist is thoughtfully selected with consideration to their approachability, maturity, and demonstration of effectiveness as a clinician. Crescent Roots is a diverse set of clinicians, each from a unique background, culture, and set of experiences in personal and professional life. All clients who engage are hoped to feel welcomed, appreciated, and encouraged to be their true selves.
Why We Do What We Do
We at Crescent Roots believe in the vivid, enchanted life. We believe in a holistic approach that aims to satisfy each client and their deeper needs. Far from giving a few take-aways and sending a client on their way prematurely, we believe a bit more work will help each client figure out their deeper, more unconscious drives and align these drives with their overall goals. Thus, we do what we do because we care about empowerment, for every single client that walks in the door, as well as the community at large of which is uplifted when each person finds their inner passion and lives it out. In biology, an ecosystem thrives when it is diverse, and as such we find a similar comparison to the psychological and sociological aspects of any community. We at Crescent Roots believe in the beauty of unique individuality and any society's encouragement for each individual to be free to be themselves. Being the self, and being able to be the self, is the greatest path toward the happiness of each person and every community.